Rujukan Table Mountain

  1. Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information (2000). 3318CD Cape Town (Peta). 1:50,000. Topographical (ke-9 ed.).
  2. "Table Mountain in Cape Town". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 2017-11-06.
  3. "15 Things You Didn't Know About Table Mountain". 2017.
  4. 1 2 Manning, John (2007). "The World of Fynbos". In: Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. halaman 8–23. ISBN 9781770072657.
  5. Trinder-Smith, Terry (2006). "Introduction". In: Wild Flowers of the Table Mountain National Park. Cape Town: Botanical Society of South Africa. halaman 19–35. ISBN 1874999600.
  6. Bond, William J. (1996). Fire and Plants. London: Chapman and Hall.
  7. Maytham Kid, Mary (1983). "Introduction". In: Cape Peninsula. South African Wild Flower Guide 3. Kirstenbosch, Claremont: Botanical Society of South Africa. m/s. 27. ISBN 0620067454.